Category: Protests

Oregon Police Departments’ Dangerous Double Standard

A look at two incidents in the past month that highlight Oregon police departments’ glaring tendency to brutally attack and arrest protesters of racial inequality while ignoring blatant violence from the Alt Right including pointing guns at people, macing people, and beating people. Here are some first hand accounts, photos, and videos of the protests […]

Eugene Protest July 25, 2020

The following firsthand account comes from one of our trusted contributors who wishes to remain anonymous for their safety. It has been lightly edited for typos and inclusion of sources when applicable. “Last night, at the federal courthouse in Eugene, a large protest took place. When I arrived there appeared to be several hundred people […]

Concerning ‘Arrests’ Nationwide

As of July 17th, reports began pouring in about protesters in Portland, Oregon being taken by unidentified federal agents, blindfolded, forced into unmarked vans, detained without their rights being read, and without probable cause. This news is deeply disturbing to many, as not only is it a direct violation of citizen’s Constitutional rights, but many […]